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Immunoglobulin e is an antibody type. Antibodies are made from proteins by the immune system, which helps to defend the body against different threads. The body makes several diverse types of Ige, and every element is specific to the substance that triggers the immune response. Allergy test in Delhi Will measure the number of antibodies in the blood, and it is the complete sum of all types of Ige. Purpose of IgE allergy test in Delhi Ideally, an allergy profile test in Delhi is to measure diverse types of IgE antibodies present in your blood. The process is to determine the cause of the symptoms. Total Ige levels can be affected by different conditions. So total Ige testing by itself does not establish any type of diagnosis. But this test may be helpful in the diagnostic process for specific health conditions that can lead to abnormal total IgE levels.

Frequently Asked Questions

Total IgE testing can be ordered by the primary care provider or a medical specialist. The test requires blood sample.

Laboratory methods can typically measure the total IgE levels, but no test is perfectly accurate.

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